You ever came to a show of mine and saw me doin a new song that wasn’t out and you had to wait almost a year before it came out? Well if you haven’t, that’s what always happens. Anyone who has seen me live will tell you. If you also aren’t aware, these platforms you listen to music on are robbing us artists, and we don’t see a dime. Literally we only see .00003 cent. It’s costing too much money to have every service, and be capped at each one by subscription tiers and pay walls. So ENTER MY EXCLUSIVE DROP PAGE! I still will have regular yearly drops for all major platforms but I would like to start dropping music in real time and also be able to receive support along the way! Anyone here will have everything before the rest of the public does. Lets take back music for independent artists and all fans for 2025!


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(313) 307 1577